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Preop Instructions

  • Don’t eat a very heavy meal the night before your surgery

  • No eating or drinking the morning of your surgery

  • If you take daily medicines, you can take them with a sip of water the day of your surgery. Make sure to go over your list of medicines with your doctor to make sure they should be taken.

  • Shower very well prior to your surgery. Use an antibacterial soap for the abdomen(stomach). Make sure to clean inside your belly button

  • Do not shave your pubic hair. If needed, it will be clipped just prior to surgery.

  • Buy the following over the counter medicines prior to surgery. This will help prevent bloating, constipation, and other discomforts associated with surgery:


  • Benefiber

  • Gas-x (simethicone)

  • Pepcid

  • Colace

  • Tylenol


  • Wear loose fitting clothing to the hospital the day of your surgery

  • If you wear contact lenses, please use your glasses instead

  • If you are feeling sick or unwell prior to scheduled surgery, please call the office and ask to speak to our nurse.

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Normal findings
after surgery

  • There may be bruising around your incisions

  • There may be hardness or firmness under the incisions. This is the healing process

  • You may experience shoulder pain, especially the right side. This is normal after laparoscopic surgery. It should resolve within a few days.

  • A sore throat is common due to general anesthesia

  • Pain medicine may cause nausea or constipation. It is a good idea to take what you need, but also start daily fiber supplement to prevent constipation

  • You may have vaginal spotting after the surgery, this should resolve within a few days

  • You may have a pulling sensation when you urinate. You should not feel pain with urination

  • Contact the office if you experience:

  • Fever (100.4 or greater)

  • Vaginal bleeding like a period

  • Nausea/vomiting

  • Burning with urination

  • Chest pain/ shortness of breath

  • Pain in calves/legs

  • Drainage or separation of incisions

Post op Instructions for Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

  • You should be able to walk around your house. Increase your activity gradually.

  • You can climb stairs, try not to become too tired

  • Avoid lifting over 15 pounds while recovering.

  • No exercise for eight weeks.

  • No driving until you no longer need pain medication and feel you can be a good defensive driver.

  • Pelvic rest for eight weeks. This means no tampons, douching, and sex.

  • Avoid greasy foods. Increase fiber and fluid in your diet.

  • Take daily fiber supplement (ex benefiber) to prevent constipation.

  • Take deep breaths during the day and use your incentive spirometer (should have been given at the hospital).

  • You may use a pad if you have slight discharge or spotting.

  • You may shower, however no tub baths or swimming pools.

  • Your incisions should not be underwater

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Incentive Spirometer

​Using your incentive spirometer after surgery will help you keep your lungs clear. The incentive spirometer will also help keep your lungs active when you are recovering from surgery, as if you were at home performing your daily activities.

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How to use the incentive spirometer


  1. Sit on the edge of your bed if possible, or sit up as far as you can in bed.

  2. Hold the incentive spirometer in an upright position.

  3. Place the mouthpiece in your mouth and seal your lips tightly around it.

  4. Breathe in slowly and as deeply as possible. Notice the yellow piston rising toward the top of the column. The yellow indicator should reach the blue outlined area.

  5. Hold your breath as long as possible (at least for 5 seconds). Then exhale slowly and allow the piston to fall to the bottom of the column.

  6. Rest for a few seconds and repeat steps one to five at least 10 times every hour.

  7. Position the yellow indicator on the left side of the spirometer to show your best effort. Use the indicator as a goal to work toward during each slow deep breath.

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